Hello everyone,
Happy New Year! I know that it's been a long time, but I'm finally back! I finished university in June 2024 and since then, I've been getting back onto my creative projects. It turns out that I am physically well enough to keep making stuff (which makes me happy), but only for a fairly short amount of time each day (which makes me sad).
As this is a new era of my creative life, I've decided to make some changes. The name "Flanagonia" is over 3 years old at this point, and I don't really feel that it reflects the personality of my work anymore. I can announce that my new name on the Internet from now on shall be…
"Joseph's nose"!
It's based on a family in-joke that I've decided to play into. I'll be updating my profiles with my new name as far as possible.
Over the next few days, I hope to bring to you some of the stuff that I've been making for these past 6 months. I contemplated making a turn-based RPG, but for various reasons I didn't get very far. But nevertheless, I have some music and plot details to show off – I hope that you enjoy them.
Speaking of RPGs, I've also been planning a fan project based off a certain popular indie game. I gather that the creator is positive towards fan works, so this should be alright legally – I've emailed the development team to make doubly sure, and I'll get back to you all on this as soon as possible!
After over a year-and-a-half of mostly abstinence, I'm looking forward so much to engaging with people on a creative level again. Have a great day and here's to the future!